You will enjoy practicing in this coastal Texas town that offers 365 days of tropical weather. This is a scenic and cultural place like no other. It is known as Texas's tropical playground, and it is located a short 40 minutes from South Padre Island. The area low cost of living, which includes affordable housing and no state income tax. As industry leaders and Joint Commission Certified, CompHealth applies over 40 years of tenured experience to your unique situation, preferences, and goals. Contact Sharon Wilmot (203) 663-9331.
Dr. Chawla
Family medicine
Being able to develop a relationship with my rep has made this experience just so much better. She knows exactly what I want, what I don't want, and we work well together.
Dr. Baron
Internal medicine
I had a brief interaction with other recruiters, but it was CompHealth that rose to the top. They demonstrated . . . a dedication that was very obvious from the first interaction.