Category - Working Locum Tenens

Category - Working Locum Tenens

How to get health insurance as a locums physician

June 5th, 2019 As independent contractors, locum tenens physicians are responsible to provide their own insurance. Here are a few tips that can help make it easier.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

How to know if locums is right for you

May 15th, 2019 No matter what phase your career’s in, locum tenens assignments can provide the flexibility to make optimal choices and explore worthwhile options.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

Thinking about international locums? Start here.

December 14th, 2018 Standards of practice differ from country to country, so if you're interested in working locum tenens internationally here's how to get started.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

Working locum tenens with a full-time job

August 1st, 2018 Is it really possible to balance a permanent position and work locum tenens? Here are three doctors who not only have made it work, but love the benefits.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

A history of locum tenens: The origins of a new approach to healthcare

August 13th, 2017 Locum tenens came out of an idea meant to help rural physicians leave their practices to receive training without leaving their patients without a doctor.