Working locum tenens with a full-time job

August 1st, 2018 Is it really possible to balance a permanent position and work locum tenens? Here are three doctors who not only have made it work, but love the benefits.

4 tips for finding your first PA, NP or rehab therapy job

June 27th, 2018

Survey Report: Millennial doctors still finding jobs the old-fashioned way

April 11th, 2018 According to a recent survey of more than 500 millennial physicians career satisfaction is high but so is the desire for more work/life balance in medicine.

A history of locum tenens: The origins of a new approach to healthcare

August 13th, 2017 Locum tenens came out of an idea meant to help rural physicians leave their practices to receive training without leaving their patients without a doctor.

How To Successfully Negotiate Your First NP/PA Contract

March 25th, 2016 There are a few key issues that PAs and NPs need to remember to address beyond the standard items of salary, bonus, benefits and PTO. These other items often need to be more heavily negotiated, such as non-compete clauses, scheduling, call details and cultural fit.

Medical Lab Scientists: Hospital vs. Reference Lab?

February 24th, 2016 You are finishing rotations at a hospital as a medical laboratory scientist (MLS) student, and it’s almost time to decide where you would like to spend your career. You now have experience working in a hospital, but with the varied other lab options, how do you know which will be the best choice? Explains the Importance of the Locum Tenens Industry

October 5th, 2015 launched as a resource to raise awareness of the industry and its importance. The story is told by the physicians who work these temporary assignments and the healthcare organizations that use them.

Physician Assistants: Is it Time for Independent Practice?

February 17th, 2015 In a recent discussion with a fellow physician assistant about the PA profession, the topic of independent vs. dependent practice came up. Physicians are seen as independent providers, and PAs are seen as dependent providers. In cardiac surgery (my specialty) I cannot do open heart surgery by myself; I need my surgeon. Upon making that statement, my fellow PA (retired from family practice) said, “Your surgeon cannot operate without you. He’s dependent upon you.”

3 Ways Physicians can Improve Adaptability Skills

July 18th, 2014 Doctors who travel to new practices face a host of complex challenges. They interact with new colleagues and patients and often work with new tools and processes. Adaptability is one of the most important qualities a locum provider can possess. There are three tools that can help a doctor become more adaptable to new surroundings.

Residents and Fellows: The Ultimate Guide to Joining or Starting a Private Practice

June 6th, 2014 After your residency or fellowship, you have a number of career options — working as an employed physician, joining a private practice, starting your own practice, or even working locum tenens assignments on a part-time or permanent basis.